The Living in Clarity Podcast, w/ Lori & The Coach

Finding Your Authentic Core in a World of Illusions, w/Yom Tov Glaser

March 11, 2024 By Coach Daniel Ratner
Finding Your Authentic Core in a World of Illusions, w/Yom Tov Glaser
The Living in Clarity Podcast, w/ Lori & The Coach
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The Living in Clarity Podcast, w/ Lori & The Coach
Finding Your Authentic Core in a World of Illusions, w/Yom Tov Glaser
Mar 11, 2024
By Coach Daniel Ratner
Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by the raw honesty of someone who speaks from the heart? That's exactly what you'll experience as Rabbi Yotav Glaser rejoins us, sharing his infectious love for humanity and insights on living a life that's true to oneself. His perspectives are a breath of fresh air in an era where authenticity often loses out to the latest trend. We're reminded that within each of us lies a 'beautiful child', eager to engage with the world in a way that's unapologetically genuine. Rabbi Glaser's anecdotes are like a warm embrace from an old friend, urging us not to lose sight of the traditions that anchor us in a sea of fleeting distractions.

During our conversation, Rabbi Glaser takes us through 'The Possible You' seminar, a path to shedding the layers that obscure our true selves. This isn't just another self-help spiel; it's an invitation to step into the role of protagonist in the epic tale of your life. Imagine finding the courage to shine so brilliantly that your light either draws people in or sends them away – a testament to the power of your authenticity. As we wade through discussions of intellectual, interpersonal, and instinctual identities, Rabbi Glaser helps us navigate the complex tapestry of who we are and how we connect with others, all while fostering a communal atmosphere that's conducive to pondering life's greater meanings.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by the raw honesty of someone who speaks from the heart? That's exactly what you'll experience as Rabbi Yotav Glaser rejoins us, sharing his infectious love for humanity and insights on living a life that's true to oneself. His perspectives are a breath of fresh air in an era where authenticity often loses out to the latest trend. We're reminded that within each of us lies a 'beautiful child', eager to engage with the world in a way that's unapologetically genuine. Rabbi Glaser's anecdotes are like a warm embrace from an old friend, urging us not to lose sight of the traditions that anchor us in a sea of fleeting distractions.

During our conversation, Rabbi Glaser takes us through 'The Possible You' seminar, a path to shedding the layers that obscure our true selves. This isn't just another self-help spiel; it's an invitation to step into the role of protagonist in the epic tale of your life. Imagine finding the courage to shine so brilliantly that your light either draws people in or sends them away – a testament to the power of your authenticity. As we wade through discussions of intellectual, interpersonal, and instinctual identities, Rabbi Glaser helps us navigate the complex tapestry of who we are and how we connect with others, all while fostering a communal atmosphere that's conducive to pondering life's greater meanings.
Coach Ratner:

This is the Lune and Clarity Podcast. I'm Coach Ratner, and today we have back a special guest, rabbi Yom Tov Glaser. It's great to see you again. Shalom, alechim, alechim, shalom, wow, so it's so exciting to have you on TV. And people love you. You know that. The people love me. Yes, I think you're aware of that, but every time I mention your name, oh, Tom Tov, we, everyone on the world loves you. You're probably one of the most popular rabbis in the world. Yeah, um, probably. You think so. Yeah, I know why.

Coach Ratner:

I also know why I would say in the observed Jewish world. I don't know if you're in that Second world too. Really, okay, why is that? Two things One is that I tell the truth, or at least don't lie. Yes, jordan Peterson says that, but I do tell the truth. And the other is and people really appreciate that and the other thing is, I share myself. It's part of telling the truth, but I share myself fully. You're vulnerable. Yeah, fully. And the other reason is because I love people. I'm crazy about people. I'm the same way. I'm crazy about you. I'm crazy about I don't think I'd be here if I was a great. I know, I gotta tell you.

Coach Ratner:

I don't remember where we met, but I remember liking you. I met you when I came to the Essentials classes in Jerusalem, who are my students. I was the age conference where I really got to know you, and I remember I was in a. It was the funniest thing. I came to a class I don't know if it's age conference, I don't know where it was, I think it was in church somewhere and you had three words of chairs and everyone sat in the second and third row. No one sat in the first row. And so right before you started your class, you took all the chairs on the front row and you put them in the back. Right, that's a trick, that's a very big trick, Because I work and people don't like to sit in front. Sure, particularly. You ever speak to women's chairs? Sure, of course, yes. So whenever I come in rarely, but if I'm early I tell the organizers please put another row seats in front, in the front row. And they're like where are you going to stand? It's too close. And I said just put. So they put all the women. Start filing into the second row. Yeah, and then I tell the organizers, I tell them before, as soon as I'm about to start, remove all the first chair. That's a good trick.

Coach Ratner:

The problem with people are when they know your stuff and they love you, they're happy in front but they're unsure that they're going to get like hear the truth about themselves. And people don't want to hear the truth sometimes and that's why they love you so much, because after they've heard you a few times, like you know what he's MS, he's the truth and this is their soul. We know, yeah, you know, I wonder sometimes. I wonder sometimes about communities that can't be on my look, what luck, what luck, what luck. The you know, this look is because I aligned myself with a community that I felt were going to win the race and for me, when I became observed and left the channel changing world, yeah, I know, every 20 years it's in Korea. You know, the tide goes fast, the tide goes thin, the tide goes fast, the tide goes fast.

Coach Ratner:

It's like a great story I heard, and that there was actually apparently a true story that there were two, a tour group went to the hotel and in that tour group one was a historian. And when they get to the hotel, so there's a group that looked just like me, like this, and there was a guy in the tour group who was like videoing and laughing. While he's videoing and laughing and the historian comes out and says what's so funny? And he says just look at these dang-wins. And the guy says you're laughing at them, they laugh at you because you're like a television program. You ever shot through all the channels. Yeah, sure, I've tried to eat that. I didn't know I was doing it until I started to like I'm like what am I doing with my life? Two hours later you have a Washington TV show and if I watched the show it was like stupid.

Coach Ratner:

The reason why people like watching TV and like that show is that they don't have to think. They're not living a conscious life. They also don't have to live their own life, which is status and that's the news feeds, like watch someone else's life. I always tell men, you know, I believe the same thing about women, but I always tell men you're not allowed to flip through shorts and news feed and know about people's lives. And they're like why not? And I said because, men, post, have you ever seen a male dog walk by a layup post?

Coach Ratner:

They wanna go to the bathroom. Well, I don't think they necessarily want to go to the bathroom. They might even just leave a drop or two, but they're, they're triggered. They're triggered, no, they're dropping Territory, territory and move it. They're posting yeah, oh, actually that's how they post it. So it's like make a post, yeah, but it's not good for a male. To me, watch it out of the mouth. That's a lot of said by anybody. Yeah, I think it's very good for the women either. No, it's not for anybody. You suck it.

Coach Ratner:

It also causes people to have post-esteem, because you see the success of other people either doing Bodies, but especially their bodies and how they. You don't see fat people posting, not heavy people posting a lot of time Like their body shape, because they're embarrassed. I'm not proud of it. People were beautiful posting and like I can't mind not having that and you just feel bad about yourself and it becomes this constant treadmill of you feeling worse and worse and worse. I mean going social media. Yeah, let's get back to why people love you so much, why you said you started this thing because you're vulnerable and you tell the truth and I love people and you love people. How is it about loving people who are obnoxious or Dude, or the ways that they hurt people, right? So how? That's the whole show.

Coach Ratner:

What are you gonna watch? Every time I walk down, like Ben, you get a street. If I was in America, I walked down, like you know, miami. You see a guy with like six earrings in his ear and like the tattoos and the septum ring, septum nose ring. I'm like this guy should come to my class If the guy would be getting front of in teets, right, mm-hmm. Yeah, I tell you, the more unique someone is, the more they're giving you to love.

Coach Ratner:

You know, and some of that stuff is preset Always start to get to people who you could. You know, it's pretty obvious that they don't really love themselves and they're and they're kind of getting back at their parents, getting back to the kind of short society, and they're um even me. They're wearing their pain on the outside, sure, no, whether it be in the clothing, whether it be in the, you know, even on my way here, I beamed at a very sad looking guy with a big headset on and, you know, hoodie and shorts, and beamed my love to him as I watched the eye of him. No, it's too bad. Exactly, he was not very sure, I think.

Coach Ratner:

I think, um, the reason why you and I love people and we want to help people. We want to teach people what they mean and rate. We want them to reach potential in life because we see, we judge everyone to the good. We judge everyone like that because they, each person has so much potential in life and they're not weak to the potential of life. I think we have this kind of like concept idea that we want to help them to become better people and be extra potential and all aspects not just for me, you know, uh, for you it's not personal growth and their emotional state and intellectual state needs more everything relationships, dating, marriage because the more the happier you are as a person you'd love yourself and the better your relationship should be, because the more you'll be open to love other people. Yeah, no, they uh waited.

Coach Ratner:

Well, I wasn't gonna ask you. I want you to tell me about your seminars, what you talked about in the seminar it's so important to say. I know it's okay On that subject, but it's all right, I was busy listening to you. I'm sorry, I do talk a lot. No, uh, what were you saying about? I wasn't even about your seminar. What do you? I've never been to your seminar. I want to know what. What's involved with them. Never did they know that? Well, I'm sure I'm gonna lie. No, I have not been. Yeah, I'm writing all the time.

Coach Ratner:

We have, uh, close to 14,000 graduates. That's a lot of graduates. Yeah, yeah, it's um 14,000. Yeah, how big are your class sizes? Anyhow, to 20 and 40. I didn't get to 14,000. Well, they were running all over the world with anti-branches. Oh, you're not the only one teaching it.

Coach Ratner:

And uh and uh called the possible use of it. The possible use of it. They can Google that. They can Google that. Oh, yeah and uh, and I suggest watching an intro and being alone and bringing tissue. It's like what should I teach that? The possible you intro, I mean you could lead, possible use. I think, I think you could. I have a lot of content.

Coach Ratner:

Well, this is, it's only a little thing. I know it's an encapsulated reality. You're it's basically psychedelics. Well, we do psychedelics. You don't need, you don't ingest anything. But right now, the most popular therapies out there are psychedelic oriented, okay or no.

Coach Ratner:

Psychedelic itself. I mean, you do ingest something and possibly you don't have to ingest anything but you. That makes it much easier entry. Do you have? Do people do adjust things to to go to the cell walls. No, you don't want people to ingest. In fact, it's forbidden to have any malnultering substance during the fall, during those days.

Coach Ratner:

It's four days, okay, non-work hours, I mean it's like four nights, right, and and it's uh, it's a trip. I mean, it's a trip. You, you have no idea where you are by day three. You're completely. You know links slated it by and he wrote who wrote the book last? You did, I sure did, and then it's been a journey. You know it's an evolving thing. I've got it going for 23 years now and it's uh, it's wild, you know, it's really wild. And and the amazing thing is that losing all sense of identity is the only place to finally shine. Sure, because so much so much of our identity is is not who we are, so much of it, and so little of of who we are is what we think is what we see as our identity.

Coach Ratner:

I like using analogies and my teachings, and I you're you're describing to me is like the raw diamond that a diamond has all these uh, carbon in it and it, and it needs to be cut in such a way to allow the light to enter the diamond. If you don't move my mind, and that brilliance will then shine back out of the world. Yeah, I feel like when we go to your seminar, which I guess I'm going to go to, and by day three I'm, I lost all that carbon and all the other LEDs. Now I'm then just they're basically a piece of diamond, diamond, pure diamond, and now it's the shape it. Now, at the shape it, I guess day four into a yeah, need for is like well, how exactly do you want to have this shine out to the world Like that? How would you like to create that? And not forever. How would you have to create it for the next 15 minutes in business meeting? Or how would you like to create it when you have to call your kids principal? Or what do you want it to? What do you want the diamond to shine if you're going to do the next 10 minutes of prayer, of course, so, so it's a, because once you're nobody, you're anybody, and that's I'm Batman.

Coach Ratner:

Yeah, but that's why it's called the possible you, what you about to be, anything right, exactly, and. And what's the? What's the inference, what's the opposite of the possible is the predictably. The predictable you is the identity that you've been Pushing forward, even though so much of you don't know why. No, done by his society. Well, it's done by you, but it's anything to not be nobody when in fact nobody is the goal, because once you're nobody, then you become any, possibly anybody yeah, it's sure possibility. And and then anybody comes up, and once you're anybody, you know you can give it right shoes. Well, you want to be. You can definitely choose what you want to be, but the business is that there's four levels of beak that are available. Okay, the first level is sold and that's like I mean that's so much, because I mean what is vivifying your body right now, if not the soul, but what that?

Coach Ratner:

Once you realize you're a soul, think about all the adjectives that come from it. First of all, god clearly wanted you here, because once you have a soul, that means you're here by giving. Yeah, it's got a feature, not a random creation to happen back right, but we're created for a purpose. And how many people walk around feeling unwanted, Of course, but here you're wanted. Okay, god also, if you didn't notice, is orchestrating your entire life as if, as if you're the only person on earth and You're the only on person on earth with free will, because he's orchestrating the world around you, sure, so, which means no one else seems to have free will, even though they think you're getting orchestrated around that.

Coach Ratner:

She was a crazy world with it, where everyone's the center star of the stage, everment, ever is the star of the movie, sure, sadly, so many people are playing extras in other people's movies when really you're the star. That's why they have to basically become no, but on the third day, right I. That's what I need to, because right now they're becoming some. That's not them. There's some of that that they were Inspired just by whatever they hear on radio TV was copy-paste. I'll be pasting somebody else near and is I? This one wouldn't be. But they have him decide who they really want to be. Right, because they're not able to be nobody at once. If I come, nobody, then they can say this is what I really want to be, not decided by. You knew it's not somebody. Hollywood, not. What about politics? About what's good for me inside? But that first step of the soul Isn't just why I want to be, it's why, oh yeah, many. The later step four of the being isn't what I want to be. You know it's. You're going to jump into step four. I'm sorry at me but I'm not. You was really the step stage for B Wait one, say what it's like.

Coach Ratner:

It's like when I have a stainless shirt and my wife's just wants to spray on the spiderweaver. I'm like just washed, a whole darn shirt is my. Remove her to tell you what the worry about that? Like a whole wash it. I was right, I Was. They like you know 19 students of foundations.

Coach Ratner:

I said the people were gonna say you've got brainwashed and you come to Asia, torah, or come to Jerusalem. And I say they're completely correct, because your brain needs washing. The right it's true that they've haven't chosen was golden, the brain, lately diamond of the like round, it's natural with with all that carbon and Granted. But like when you're listening to watching movies and news and you have no idea what's going your prey, do you need full schmutz? I was teaching a group of British people who sometimes lack intellectual confidence no offense at free radish. And so this, this girl raised her hand in the back of the room and she says she said Freba, how do we know you're not brainwashing us? And I said first, let's see if you have a brain.

Coach Ratner:

I won't talk about washing it, anyway, but what you had described before with a copy paste is the source of loneliness. People are deep gaming, deeply lonely. And the source of the loneliness is if I copy paste who I am from what I saw around me my parents, teachers, strings, appears, anyone die, television, internet. If I copy paste that and you like me, it's not what you like, it's not me, and that's the. That's the real source of problem, is real so that even cuz the competitive first, the reason they're lonely is to say from never shine their light, which is what I was saying is I shine my light and that's what people love me, is that? But it's me they love, yeah. So what?

Coach Ratner:

Yeah, what my advice to people is shine your life so strong, like, really put yourself so strongly out there, so much so that people run away. And Whoever stays are the people actually really you and watch your loneliness run away. You want to do something that I didn't get a run away. They're gonna run towards you because everyone's starving Sure for someone who's truly themselves. The ones that were away have cognitive dissonance and don't know the truth. You're afraid of it and they're afraid of being someone and it was take. But because everyone you know they're not even there, I'm gonna run, be a run, for these four levels take desperate. These four levels take work, I'm sure.

Coach Ratner:

So you said about the first. So, first of all, the soul. The second level is the beautiful child in you. Everyone has a beautiful child inside. They like, like, look at you, like everyone, look at the camera there. We clearly have different children inside of us. Our children are clearly shining, oh yeah, but like, but I have a child in me. That's that, this little.

Coach Ratner:

You know my English names, johnny. You know my Hebrew names, young toe, which means holiday to it. So I'm Johnny, holiday. So that Johnny, he's I mean, he's dangerous to you play tricks. Yeah, you know he's, he's a crazy kid and he wants to go mountain biking, and and I take him mountain biking and I take him. Yesterday I took him surfing. Oh, good for you, yeah, and Hercelia, where'd you go? And you say I went to, I was, though, that I like to hear bombs. Yeah, I surf. So the anyway, the I was maybe not a good joke, but when you're surfing, I just don't hear bones. And if you actually hear them yesterday, no, it's very quiet in the northern Gaza. Yeah, yeah, they had no mountain, so, but I've been, there's been. There was a hunter with like yes, he asked, one had a number of airing sirens. Seriously, yeah, I think it was like three estates, you know many, not not only it was, but still created. There's still even get rock. It's off top of very up.

Coach Ratner:

Okay, so back to us. It is, um is when we have, we, we would got the first of the soul. Now, see, I said there's the beautiful children. Do the job. Yeah, every you know, take, go, take a kindergarten teacher. She's stealing my three there, 2030, absolute individuals. So like there's nothing uniform, there's no overlap, no, and that's in you. Yeah, that's your beautiful child. I used to date kindergarten teachers and they're a different breed. They're not really for me. I'm like like some spray teachers on period here. There they were, it got married for down 22 years. They're very happy by the center. They have a different mindset and light. They're different kind of people and that it's almost. I just say they're always. They always themselves are a little child of some times. Oh, interesting, yeah, okay.

Coach Ratner:

So then the third level is of the being, is One's what we call in Hebrew cocos and that fish, but it's what I call your divine factory settings. Every person has the blade factory settings and the way it works is you're either one, two or three. Well, they're all eyes that come. The three eyes, okay, yeah, you're divine factory settings. The eye here is intellectual. They love books or the mobile. They love. You know, here's people that they interpersonals, inter at gulamal eyes, interpersonals and I don't like to call emotional because they're not necessarily such emotional people, but boy do they love people. Yeah, I mean I'm obviously a tube, yeah, and and then there's threes are Instinctials and they love stuff, you know, and they love. They love my physical, sensory, they love food, they love the sauna and they love the yoga, they love, they love money and a nice cars, you know they. They love delicious foods. They're sensory people. Anyway, these are divine factory settings.

Coach Ratner:

Of the number three of being, which is your? You're either one, two or three. I'm a two, three, one, but you you're all three. You got a list them because I'm a two, three, one, okay, and you are two for sure. So I think you might be a two, one, three, okay, I think you're two and I speak to three.

Coach Ratner:

One matter portion that I was one time. Who would you are you in the sports area and I used to do go to son of. I used to go to ice to watch all the wrestling. I used to be an avid, avid. I've talked about this avid football. So you're two, three, one. But wait, are you watch what part do it? I did both. I'm not not professionally split touch football time, but now I don't watch anything. I don't watch Super Bowl, I don't watch anything. Touch football. You need to tackle a real tackling that all the way to your to leave me. Get to be like you know, tour me for me. I thought it. I was a running back for five years.

Coach Ratner:

They know I don't. I don't care about a step in in March, I don't care about the, I don't even you're not to your turn that or two, one, three. I wrote John, I love a car, I don't care for one half year. Do you look at the books and research and stuff like that? I, I, I, you're two, one, three. Yeah, I'm a two, three, I'm a two, three, one. My perfect world is I'm with a bunch of people in a sauna talking about the meaning of life. That sounds like a lot of fun. That's for me, though. I like maybe our two. Yeah, that's your divine factor settings.

Coach Ratner:

And there's another thing you need to know. It's not just whether you're one, two or three, it's with your flow on the right or structure of the left, everyone's floor structure. If in they know that in the retail work, for example, you go to bed, bathroom, beyond, yeah, they're gonna have every every, you know you go to the bed sheets, for example, you have to walk the whole story to get there, yeah, yeah. And while you walk through and I was even in a place where on the left side was structure stuff, where the it was the bed sheets with the bin stripes, like the hot, like the Westin hotel, sure, you know and that. And then there were the floral sheets on the right side. For all the flow. People like that bed and breakfasts and you know. And you go to the plates and like that, the flow is like also, as me, like China with a beautiful and mosque, you know floral thing. Where's the structure? You got like a triangular dessert plate. Sure, like I look at that, I have a.

Coach Ratner:

You know I go into anxiety attack. I need flow. I'm a flowmeister anyway. But that's being of number three, what we were talking about before. It's being number four. Being number four is what I call the to be a Shape-shift mean.

Coach Ratner:

Okay, now I'm sitting in the flight and I see someone needs help getting their stuff in the overhead. Who I am is helpful. Now I'm going to keep going to my kids principle, because my kids bust it, which means you're busted. No, that that principle works for me. And I walk into the principal night and I come in with a vibration of the boss and they immediately like, start doing backflips for my kid. And so now I'm going to a business meeting and who I am is confident and I mean I can create anything. Now I'm going to prayer. Who I am is holy. Now I'm going to study title who am. Who am is a is a humble student. And then, and I just keep creating as I go throughout the day. So now I'm walking down the street when I was friendly and I beam and everyone I walk by and I just keep going as it goes and that's step four. You would love that step, but that's the fourth step.

Coach Ratner:

The she is, after the shape-shifters. Who it's? The he me in In here. Who am I? Right, it's where am I? Whoever, and then much will use is whoever God calls me into being. I am, because God's look, god's creating, remember you, but God's orchestrating your life around you.

Coach Ratner:

Short, and, as is orchestrating your life around you, he's constantly calling you into situations. In each situation, you can create a to state of being that will perfectly make with that situation, and then there's no more anxiety, there's no more stress because, okay, let's say, you got to make a wedding. Well, who do I got to be to, who do I have to be to do that with peace of mind. It's been organized and, yeah, organizer or whatever, wherever else comes up, but it's not attacking you anymore. Now I'm creating the being as I go into the do it. Yeah, well, can you make steps, just like you make steps, those four steps you make steps to. If you're pretty away, these of this, this is what I have, that I do one step at a time. You focus on one the time till you get it done. Right, I didn't important importance, no sure. So we have four steps.

Coach Ratner:

First, being the soul. These are the four Levels. I call them four levels to what being a being. Yeah, these are, these are what are underneath at all.

Coach Ratner:

And then number two is the inner giant, and then one was a soul. Number two is the. I call it the beautiful Beauty. You can copy, I like it, or show them there it Could. All children, beautiful, it's going on to the one that, well, beautiful it is. They're all here, right side of us, right, but they're. The thought of us now makes you a dig. And then number three is what you call.

Coach Ratner:

What was you calling the flow? Or that it's the I'm divine factory series, which are, which are what in one, two or three intellect, into person, all are in the sting show. Oh, the third eyes, called instinctual, sure, and then? And so you figure out what's your order, and then you figure out whether your flow or structure. There are rare individuals from both foreign structure. They're always in made of jail. And this is the.

Coach Ratner:

And then number four was shape shifter. Shape shifter is it? Whoever God calls me into being I am. Is this the basis of the assemblyman? Not at all. I mean, it's part of it, though it's the end, but this is the end. You know, once you finally get to, I have no idea what I am any more. I don't care, because, whatever all that I did, all that identity was just causing me stress of having a constant defendant and and having to somehow put it forward in situations that would constantly jet testing it. I'm done with it.

Coach Ratner:

I'm dying to read first. Three days are what. I'm dying to know what the first over there and I did. They're not simple. I'll tell you that I've heard people crying on the ground Not from you, from other people and gone they go. People crying on the ground, okay, but that's true. It's pitch black if that's happening. So I don't know if it's happening, okay, it's pitch black. No one knows who's the guy who's crying, other guys in it, but there are people who lost there, completely lost it. Um, which is fine. We're built for them. Yeah, you know, they, we, we, we give you the safe space that you can let it all go up to that level of like, literally, like, flop it around like a fish out of water, um, there's music overlaid it the whole time and there. So you can't exactly know, you don't exactly know what's going on. You don't even know it was the guy next to you, you know. I remember it was next year. Actually, I missed out all this one.

Coach Ratner:

The fifth content, the um. Yeah, it's, it's very intense. But one thing is important is that we do screen for um, for Um, psychological well-being. You have to be healthy in the room. Sure in there, anyone with anything like bipolar schizo-phrenic, any psychotic things, any, even genetic? Hey, that's not, it's a lie.

Coach Ratner:

A lot of these trips to come to israel, these spiritual trips to have guys like you speak, he and know me, the different ones, are we that people free? And they're peeping the freak out. You know they freak out and then they uh, and they shouldn't look after you know, but they're crazy, they're crazy stories and they really, and they have to go home and they can't keep them shut because they're ruining the trip for everybody else. Yeah, oh, there's another idea, though. I mean another option besides sending them back to america, spot, oh. So are they important to your sin syndrome? You, for the reasons, are there for christians, are they? Only has to choose to come. Yeah, spot, yeah, sending to the northern city of sight.

Coach Ratner:

You see, in every society there are eccentric people, but put eccentric people in the spot. Yeah, they're no lower eccentric. Yeah, wow, but it's been amazing talking to you. Did I shouldn't have time? I'm sorry, it is. Uh, it was a lot of fun. This was a lot of fun to talk about. It. Are you powerful? You seminar and the four levels of being yeah, and people can join them. The seminar is going on all around. I gotta tell you, I think that we doctor this podcast. When you talk about putting me up there, I think this will be like a do. I would love it. I need more men, leaders, and I and I'm, and I'm passionate and well, you know, I talk afterwards. Anyway, thank you so much for joining us, rabbi Yonkton Grazer. Wow, what an amazing guy. We're gonna get you again. I'll be some, we can, we are in town and this is uh, coach radder, and thank for we're listening to the lily and clarity podcast. We'll see you next time.

The Importance of Loving People
Journey to Self-Discovery and Transformation
Levels of Personal Growth and Authenticity